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Astrology Chart Reading

with AprilK

  • 1 h
  • 100 US dollars
  • Riverside Studio Rochester Location

Service Description

Your Astrological Birth Chart is the map of the planets' placements when you were born and how that influences your life. Take an hour with AprilK to explore your chart - find out what makes you, you! See your life path and karmic past meet your shadow self and discover what it means and why it is beneficial to know...and so much more! Please send an email to AprilK at after session is booked. Include in the email your name, date of birth, and the time of your birth, birthplace (city/state/country).

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations for classes, events and one-on-one sessions with JessieV or any other practitioner at Chi, Trees & Oils, requires a 24 hour notice. When cancelled appointments occur twice, the client will no longer be accepted. If the client is late or misses the appointment, there are no refunds. Regarding classes with only one booked guest, we reserve the right to cancel the class. A refund will be given to the cancelled guest.

Contact Details

  • 101 N Front Street Burlington, WI 53105

    +1+ 4142418297

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